Positive thinking affirmations: how to make your brain think more positively

Imagine if you always did everything you said you would do. Imagine how it would change your life…

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Man smiling in the sun

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other

Brian Tracy

You have to understand something very important about life:

You decide whether you’ll live the life of your dreams.

You make this decision all the time.

It’s a decision made in your mind that’s underpinned by your attitude (whether positive or negative).

Your attitude can be changed. Therefore the outcome of your life can be changed by thinking positively.

But how can you make yourself think positively and change the outcome of your life? 

This page explains how to change the way you think, so you think positively and make the most of every day.

The secret to positive thinking that can change a person’s whole life

Thoughts are expressed in your mind in language. Each of us has an inner voice. We’re constantly talking to ourselves in our minds.

Taking control of your inner voice is the key to changing your attitude.

For example, sometimes, when you really need to be awake and working hard you say, “I’m so tired”.

This is an example of a negative statement (a component of negative thinking).

The reverse of this would be something like “I am fully awake and energized”. That’s positive thinking.

These are very simple ideas that drive your behavior and cumulatively have the power to change the outcome of your life.

There is nothing more important than being driven to live the life of your dreams.

To change your thoughts and change your life you need to change the way you talk to yourself in your mind.

The way you talk to yourself in your mind has a powerful effect on how you feel

Try this:

Take a nice deep breath in through your nose.

As you breathe out, allow all your muscles to relax and go limp.

Breathe in again slowly and deeply. Hold for 2 seconds. Breathe out and let all your muscles go limp.

Repeat the above until you feel your muscles relaxing from your head to your toes each time you exhale.

This is a simple example of words changing how your body feels.

You’re quite literally using words to change your hormone levels, change your muscle tension and change the way you think. It’s like programing your body through the interface of your brain, using English as the programing language.

This is nothing revolutionary. It’s how the brain works. From the moment you’re born until now, you’ve been programing the way you react to the world by talking to yourself either positively or negatively about situations you’ve experienced.

Understanding this–and being able to control it–is the key to transforming your life.

You need to start telling yourself positive things and then behaving in the corresponding positive ways instead of thinking negative things that make your life worse.

On this page I’m going to show you how to use the below positive affirmations to change the way you think, feel and behave so that you maximize your life.

  • I release all negative thoughts
  • I choose to think positively in every situation
  • I make the most of every day
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I choose to be calm and friendly
  • I make the most of every opportunity
  • I get up early to get things done
  • I work hard every day to make my dreams come true
  • I focus on my goals
  • I am doing everything I said I’d do
  • I approach every situation positively
  • I always find a solution
  • I make the most of every minute
  • I wake up feeling great every morning
  • I love life
  • I focus my attention on what I enjoy
  • I let go of negative emotions
  • Every day is amazing
  • I am excited about my life
  • I always try my best
  • I always learn from my mistakes
  • I focus on good
  • I forgive people and move on
  • I stay positive
  • I focus on living my dreams
  • I am unstoppable
  • Life is amazing
  • Today is going to be a great day
  • I have a positive mindset
  • I think positive thoughts
  • Every mistake is an opportunity to learn
  • Whenever I think negative thoughts I simply release them
  • I choose to be positive
  • I am a naturally positive person
  • I am full of calm, positive energy
  • I look forward to everything I do
  • I breathe calmly and stay positive
  • I have total and absolute belief in myself
  • I achieve whatever I set my mind to
  • I get on well with everyone I talk to
  • I enjoy socializing
  • I always stay calm
  • I have complete confidence in my abilities
  • I always find a solution
  • Positivity comes naturally to me
  • I am a natural optimist
  • I overcome every obstacle
  • I always find the solution to any problem
  • It’s OK when people make mistakes
  • I give calm, constructive criticism
  • I always do my best
  • Things are getting better all the time
  • I wake up every morning feeling great
  • I spread positive energy everywhere I go
  • I love getting up early to start another amazing day
  • I am an active, healthy person
  • I am kind and friendly
  • I love the mornings
  • I choose to live my best life
  • I am constantly growing and improving

Download these statements in a super calming male or female voice recording

Download these statements in a relaxing guided meditation in both male and female voices over a super relaxing specially designed audio that calms your mind, relaxes all your muscles and reduces your stress hormones.

Download the audio

How to use this technique for lasting results

Man putting headphones on

Download the audios and listen to them as often as possible: While you’re working, on the train, before you go to sleep, etc.

But here’s the key part…

Whenever you get a 5 minute break go and be on your own and listen to them with your eyes closed.

How to do it

  1. Put your earphones in/on
  2. Close your eyes
  3. Clear your mind of any imagery — try to keep it blank
  4. Listen to the audio
  5. Focus only on the words
  6. When thoughts appear in your mind, release them and try to keep your inner vision clear of any imagery
  7. The goal is to try to clear your mind of any thoughts. This is a state of complete calmness. In this state your breathing and heartrate slow
  8. Repeat this 3-12 times per day for 5-10 minutes (do as much as you can)
  9. By repeating this frequently you can take control of your stress levels and think clearly and calmly, which will massively benefit every part of your life
  10. After about a week of daily practise some of the phrases will be completely embedded in your memory. You’ll be able to recollect them with perfect clarity. Particularly the first three sentences: “I am calm. My mind is clear. I focus only on the words”.
  11. Next time you feel anxious, recollect these statements in your mind. Straight away you’ll feel your shoulders relax as you release the tension and stress.
  12. The more you practise the more effective it will become until eventually you have control over your anxiety and you’re able to stay calm, focused and in the zone.

Use it as a guided meditation and train your mind while you sleep

Every night when you go to bed, completely relax your mind and body to get your mind into a receptive state to receive the affirmations.

You think with your conscious mind and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

What you think before you go to sleep stays with you. It sinks into your mind. Therefore you need to think powerful, positive thoughts right before you go to sleep. This can transform your life, making you energized, confident, calm and clear-headed.

To do that, use the SleepOptimized audio every night before you go to sleep. The audio uses a guided meditation to relax and focus your mind, making your subconsious receptive to receive the affirmations.

Download the audio

Instant download for use on any smart phone, Alexa, Google Home or any other digital audio device.

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All this is included in your download

  • Over 8 hours of scientifically designed audio included
  • Ultra calming guided sleep meditation included
  • Day time guided meditation for laser focused clear thinking included
  • Day time guided meditation for energizing you included
  • Male voice, female voice or no voice downloads included
  • Powerful positive affirmations spoken calmly into your subconcious
  • Gradually wake up to wonderful sounds of nature instead of being shocked awake by your alarm
  • Start looking forward to the morning again instead of dreading it
  • Instant download
  • Access the downloads at any time again in the future

What is SleepOptimized?

SleepOptimized is an 8-hour audio. Play it before you go to bed. It starts by peacefully calming you, lowering your heart rate, slowing your breathing and clearing your mind of thoughts, eliminating anxieties and bringing your stress hormones down, creating the perfect environment for sleep.

You can either leave it playing in the background or, actively listen to the voiced version, which contains calming, softly spoken affirmations in male or female voices.

The calming guiding meditation will get your mind into the perfect receptive state to receive positive affirmations designed to train your mind to be clear, calm and focused. Listen to them and repeat them to yourself in your head or just let them absorb into your subconscious.

Through the night it very quietly plays peaceful sounds of nature, designed to make you sleep deeply and peacefully, optimizing your sleep cycles — just like we’re naturally supposed to be.

In the morning, it gradually gets louder until it’s time for you to get up. All you have to do is choose what time you want to get up and SleepOptimized will very gradually wake you up feeling amazing. It’s a revolutionary new way to wake up feeling great every day so you make the most of life.

Also included with your download: Day time energy booster

Boost your energy levels during the day using this powerful energy boosting audio, which uses binaural beats and powerful positive affirmations to wake you up and motivate you to get things done.

Imagine a world where everyone is positive

Imagine a world with no hate, no racism, or war. No violent crime or road rage. These things are all products of negative thinking and they can be ended by each of us thinking positively.

You’ve taken a step today by choosing to think positively. Imagine if we could get more people to do the same.

Imagine a world with no hate or anger. Now realize it is our responsibility to make that world.

Please help someone else take a step towards positivity by sharing this page.

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