How to clear your mind of negative thoughts

Thinking positively is the secret to getting things done, which is the secret to living your dreams. Use this powerful 3 minute technique to clear all neagtvie thoughts and focus on the now. This, for me, was the key to changing my life.

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Peaceful lake at sunset

All you have to do is slowly and calmly read this guided meditation in your head. Do it every single day, until you’ve memorized it. Alternatively, download the audio below and play it in your headphones every day.

The secret to removing negative thoughts it to be present. All negative thoughts are either about things you’ve done (such as regrets) or things that might happen (such as worries). These thoughts are based in the past and the future.

So, to clear your mind of negative thoughts all you have to do is be 100% in the present moment. This powerful guided meditation will help you achieve that. Keep practicing until you find yourself only thinking in the present moment, where you have the power to make changes. You can’t change the past. The future hasn’t happened yet. So stay present in the only time you can make positive changes in your life: right now.

  • I am calm
  • My mind is clear
  • My thoughts are focused only on the words
  • I take a deep breath in as deeply as I can
  • I breathe out all stress and let all my muscles relax
  • I release all tension
  • I release all thoughts
  • I focus only on the words
  • I keep my mind clear of all thoughts
  • I am present, in this moment
  • I take another slow deep, calming breath in as deeply as I can
  • I breathe out and release all stress
  • I release all thoughts and think of nothing
  • I focus on the words
  • I am here in the present moment
  • My mind is clear and calm
  • I am still
  • When thoughts appear I release them
  • I stay calm and focused
  • I take another deep breath and hold for two seconds
  • I breathe out all stress and allow all my muscles to relax from my head to my toes
  • I allow my neck and shoulders to become loose and relaxed
  • I allow my stomach to become loose and relaxed
  • I feel my whole body relaxing
  • I release all thoughts
  • I clear my mind
  • I breathe calmly and slowly
  • I stay focused only on the words
  • I am here in the present moment
  • I take another calming deep breath in and hold for two seconds
  • As I breathe out all tension leaves my neck and shoulders
  • I allow my whole body to go loose
  • I feel my shoulders sinking into relaxation
  • I am calm
  • My mind is clear
  • I am present in this moment
  • I think clearly and calmly
  • Whenever a thought appears I release it
  • I stay in the present moment
  • I stay calm
  • I stay relaxed and focused
  • I take another relaxing deep breath in and hold for two seconds
  • As I breathe out I allow my neck and shoulders to relax and go loose
  • I release all the tension from my neck and shoulders
  • I stay focused only on the words
  • I keep my mind clear of thoughts
  • If thoughts arise in my mind I simply release them and focus on the words
  • I stay present in the moment
  • I stay relaxed and still
  • I breathe deeply and hold for two seconds
  • I breathe out and allow my legs to completely relax
  • I release all the tension from my legs and my back
  • I stay loose and relaxed
  • I am calm and at peace
  • Whenever a thought enters my mind I release it
  • Whenever I want to be calm I simply take a deep breath and release all tension
  • I clear my mind completely
  • I let go of all thoughts
  • I take a nice slow deep breath and hold for two seconds
  • As I breathe out I release all tension from my stomach
  • I allow my stomach muscles to go loose and relaxed
  • I can take a nice deep breath and clear my mind whenever I want to
  • I simply focus on the words and stay calm and present
  • I am calm
  • I am present
  • I am at peace

Download these statements in a super calming male or female voice recording

Download these statements in a relaxing guided meditation in both male and female voices over a super relaxing specially designed audio that calms your mind, relaxes all your muscles and reduces your stress hormones.

Download the audio

Listen to a sample of the audio

American female voice: become present and lazer focused
American male voice sample: become present and lazer focused
American male voice sample: day time anti-anxiety

Download the audio

Instant download for use on any smart phone, Alexa, Google Home or any other digital audio device.

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All this is included in your download

  • Over 8 hours of scientifically designed audio included
  • Ultra calming guided sleep meditation included
  • Day time guided meditation for laser focused clear thinking included
  • Day time guided meditation for energizing you included
  • Male voice, female voice or no voice downloads included
  • Powerful positive affirmations spoken calmly into your subconcious
  • Gradually wake up to wonderful sounds of nature instead of being shocked awake by your alarm
  • Start looking forward to the morning again instead of dreading it
  • Instant download
  • Access the downloads at any time again in the future

What is SleepOptimized?

SleepOptimized is an 8-hour audio. Play it before you go to bed. It starts by peacefully calming you, lowering your heart rate, slowing your breathing and clearing your mind of thoughts, eliminating anxieties and bringing your stress hormones down, creating the perfect environment for sleep.

You can either leave it playing in the background or, actively listen to the voiced version, which contains calming, softly spoken affirmations in male or female voices.

The calming guiding meditation will get your mind into the perfect receptive state to receive positive affirmations designed to train your mind to be clear, calm and focused. Listen to them and repeat them to yourself in your head or just let them absorb into your subconscious.

Through the night it very quietly plays peaceful sounds of nature, designed to make you sleep deeply and peacefully, optimizing your sleep cycles — just like we’re naturally supposed to be.

In the morning, it gradually gets louder until it’s time for you to get up. All you have to do is choose what time you want to get up and SleepOptimized will very gradually wake you up feeling amazing. It’s a revolutionary new way to wake up feeling great every day so you make the most of life.

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