- I am calm
- My mind is clear
- My thoughts are focused only on the words
- I take a deep breath in as deeply as I can
- I breathe out all stress and let all my muscles relax
- I release all tension
- I release all thoughts
- I focus only on the words
- I keep my mind clear of all thoughts
- I am present, in this moment
- I take another slow deep, calming breath in as deeply as I can
- I breathe out and release all stress
- I release all thoughts and think of nothing
- I focus on the words
- I am here in the present moment
- My mind is clear and calm
- I am still
- When thoughts appear I release them
- I stay calm and focused
- I take another deep breath and hold for two seconds
- I breathe out all stress and allow all my muscles to relax from my head to my toes
- I allow my neck and shoulders to become loose and relaxed
- I allow my stomach to become loose and relaxed
- I feel my whole body relaxing
- I release all thoughts
- I clear my mind
- I breathe calmly and slowly
- I stay focused only on the words
- I am here in the present moment
- I take another calming deep breath in and hold for two seconds
- As I breathe out all tension leaves my neck and shoulders
- I allow my whole body to go loose
- I feel my shoulders sinking into relaxation
- I am calm
- My mind is clear
- I am present in this moment
- I think clearly and calmly
- Whenever a thought appears I release it
- I stay in the present moment
- I stay calm
- I stay relaxed and focused
- I take another relaxing deep breath in and hold for two seconds
- As I breathe out I allow my neck and shoulders to relax and go loose
- I release all the tension from my neck and shoulders
- I stay focused only on the words
- I keep my mind clear of thoughts
- If thoughts arise in my mind I simply release them and focus on the words
- I stay present in the moment
- I stay relaxed and still
- I breathe deeply and hold for two seconds
- I breathe out and allow my legs to completely relax
- I release all the tension from my legs and my back
- I stay loose and relaxed
- I am calm and at peace
- Whenever a thought enters my mind I release it
- Whenever I want to be calm I simply take a deep breath and release all tension
- I clear my mind completely
- I let go of all thoughts
- I take a nice slow deep breath and hold for two seconds
- As I breathe out I release all tension from my stomach
- I allow my stomach muscles to go loose and relaxed
- I can take a nice deep breath and clear my mind whenever I want to
- I simply focus on the words and stay calm and present
- I am calm
- I am present
- I am at peace
Download these statements in a super calming male or female voice recording
Download these statements in a relaxing guided meditation in both male and female voices over a super relaxing specially designed audio that calms your mind, relaxes all your muscles and reduces your stress hormones.
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All this is included in your download
- Over 8 hours of scientifically designed audio included
- Ultra calming guided sleep meditation included
- Day time guided meditation for laser focused clear thinking included
- Day time guided meditation for energizing you included
- Male voice, female voice or no voice downloads included
- Powerful positive affirmations spoken calmly into your subconcious
- Gradually wake up to wonderful sounds of nature instead of being shocked awake by your alarm
- Start looking forward to the morning again instead of dreading it
- Instant download
- Access the downloads at any time again in the future