The way you talk to yourself in your mind has a powerful effect on how you feel
Try this:
Take a nice deep breath in through your nose.
As you breathe out, allow all your muscles to relax and go limp.
Breathe in again slowly and deeply. Hold for 2 seconds. Breathe out and let all your muscles go limp.
Repeat the above until you feel your muscles relaxing from your head to your toes each time you exhale.
This is a simple example of words changing how your body feels.
You’re quite literally using words to change your hormone levels, change your muscle tension and change the way you think. It’s like programing your body through the interface of your brain, using English as the programing language.
This is nothing revolutionary. It’s how the brain works. From the moment you’re born until now, you’ve been programing the way you react to the world by talking to yourself either positively or negatively about situations you’ve experienced.
Understanding this–and being able to control it–is the key to transforming your life.
You need to start telling yourself positive things and then behaving in the corresponding positive ways instead of thinking negative things that make your life worse.
Every night before you go to sleep, play the SleepOptimized audio. The guided meditation will relax and clear your mind of all thoughts, lower your heart rate and slow your breathing until you’re in a perfectly relaxed state. This is key. We need to get your mind into a receptive state to accept the new statements.
Once you’re in the right mental state the audio will start speaking the success affirmations, which are designed to make you think exactly like a highly successful person does:
- Calm under pressure
- Decisive
- Laser focused
- Highly driven
- Confident
So, let’s get started.
Download the audio
Instant download for use on any smart phone, Alexa, Google Home or any other digital audio device.
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All this is included in your download
- Over 8 hours of scientifically designed audio included
- Ultra calming guided sleep meditation included
- Day time guided meditation for laser focused clear thinking included
- Day time guided meditation for energizing you included
- Male voice, female voice or no voice downloads included
- Powerful positive affirmations spoken calmly into your subconcious
- Gradually wake up to wonderful sounds of nature instead of being shocked awake by your alarm
- Start looking forward to the morning again instead of dreading it
- Instant download
- Access the downloads at any time again in the future
What are the affirmations used in the audio?
- I always know what to do
- Success is intuitive to me
- I have razor sharp focus
- I pay close attention to detail
- I have total belief in myself
- I always achieve my goals
- I never miss an opportunity
- I am extremely creative
- I am passionate about my work
- I have complete confidence in my abilities
- I enjoy difficult challenges
- I intuitively know what to do
- I have a clear vision of what I want
- I turn threats into opportunities
- I make the most of every minute
- I have a clear vision of what I want to achieve
- I am a naturally successful person
- I focus my mind on my goals
- I think clearly at all times
- I always make the right choices
- I work hard every day to get what I want
- My mind is clear and focused
- I create crystal clear goals
- I always get things done
- I am a highly determined person
- I overcome any obstacle I meet
- I choose to be the best version of myself
- I work hard and that’s why I’m successful
- I find it easy talking to people
- I am a natural leader
- I plan meticulously to achieve my objectives
- When I see an opportunity I take it
- I am driven and motivated
- Getting things done is the key to my success
- Stress energizes and drives me
- I focus on what’s important
- I focus my efforts on the most profitable solutions
- I work hard and stay focused at all times
- I make the most of every day
- I am a great example for others to follow
- I release negative thoughts and focus on positives
- I never give up
- I am highly skilled
- I am highly driven
- I work harder than everyone else
- I carefully plan strategies designed to achieve specific objectives
- I am a winner
- I am the best
- I am a hard worker
- I work hard and I get things done
- I find it easy to figure out solutions
- I base my decisions on data
- I invest in appreciating assets
- I am very good with money
- I work hard and always get what I want
- I believe in myself
- I get up early every day to work while it’s quiet
- I see opportunities
- I think positively
- I am energized and positive
- I am a responsible person
- People can trust me to get things done
- I am a reliable person
- When I see a goal I keep going into I’ve achieved it
- Every day I become more confident and successful
The download also includes the following affirmations spoken quietly, directly into your subconscious mind:
Affirmations for self-confidence:
- I have absolute confidence in myself
- I have total belief in myself
- I am naturally confident
- I am a confident person
- I stand up straight with my head held high
- I work hard so I always know what I’m doing
- I’m always calm and in control
- I always do the right thing
- I always show up on time
- I exercise every day
- I make the right choices
- I am in control of my life
- I pay attention to what people are saying
- I am important
- The world needs me
- I read every day to learn more about the world
- I always know what to do
- I calmly consider all the facts
- I work out hard to stay in perfect shape
- I achieve whatever I set my mind to
- Confidence comes naturally to me
- I am considerate and respectful to others
- I am naturally confident and at ease
- I make sure I exercise every day to stay thin
- Every day I learn more by reading and studying
- Every day my confidence is growing
- I am confident in everything I do
- I take time every day to learn
- I have total confidence in myself
- I pay attention during conversations
- I feel completely comfortable
- I am always ready with the facts
- I have complete confidence in my abilities
- I am in charge of my thoughts
- I am in complete control of my life
- I am the master of my destiny
- I can do whatever I put my mind to
- I always make the right decisions
- I always know exactly what to do
- My mind is always clear and focused
- I always do what I say I’m going to do
- I think clearly
- I always know what to say
- My mind is clear and focused
- Everything is easy for me
- I am in control of my mind
- Everything is coming together so well
- I can always be relied on
- I think clearly in any situation
- I always think positively
- I can do anything I put my mind to
- I work harder than anyone else and that’s why I’m confident
- I am great at everything I do
- I am naturally talented
- I’m calm in any situation
- I instinctively know what to do
- My mind is calm and in control
- I always do what I set out to do
- I can overcome any obstacle
- I know exactly what to do to achieve success
- People can rely on me to do things right
- I am naturally confident in any situation
- I have total confidence in myself
- I always achieve my goals
- I always stay positive
- I am unstoppable
- I can overcome any challenge
- I work hard
- I am doing what I said I’d do
- I can do anything I put my mind to
- I have total an absolute belief in myself
- I am a skilled and knowledgeable person
- I work hard and deserve to be paid well
- I am good at what I do
- I can overcome any obstacle
- I have total confidence in myself
- I can contribute to any discussion
- What I say matters
- I have great ideas
- I am a valuable person
- I am constantly learning new skills and knowledge
- People find what I say useful
- I have absolute confidence in myself