Affirmations for Confidence: Ultra Self-confidence

An extremely confident person thinks in a certain way at all times. They’re calm, in control and they commit to the right decision in any given situation. So, how can you think like that? Easy. Just follow these instructions.

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Very confident man

To be confident you have to think like a confident person. Then you have to choose to behave like a confident person.

For example, if you’re thinking about two courses of action you could take, a confident person would be decisive. They’d make a decision and commit to it.

Use these affirmations to train your mind to think like a confident person. And when you’re going about your day, behave as a confident person would. Soon you’ll find you become that person naturally.

  • I have absolute confidence in myself
  • I have total belief in myself
  • I am naturally confident
  • I am a confident person
  • I stand up straight with my head held high
  • I work hard so I always know what I’m doing
  • I’m always calm and in control
  • I always do the right thing
  • I always show up on time
  • I exercise every day
  • I make the right choices
  • I am in control of my life
  • I pay attention to what people are saying
  • I am important
  • The world needs me
  • I read every day to learn more about the world
  • I always know what to do
  • I calmly consider all the facts
  • I work out hard to stay in perfect shape
  • I achieve whatever I set my mind to
  • Confidence comes naturally to me
  • I am considerate and respectful to others
  • I am naturally confident and at ease
  • I make sure I exercise every day to stay thin
  • Every day I learn more by reading and studying
  • Every day my confidence is growing
  • I am confident in everything I do
  • I take time every day to learn
  • I have total confidence in myself
  • I pay attention during conversations
  • I feel completely comfortable
  • I am always ready with the facts
  • I have complete confidence in my abilities
  • I am in charge of my thoughts
  • I am in complete control of my life
  • I am the master of my destiny
  • I can do whatever I put my mind to
  • I always make the right decisions 
  • I always know exactly what to do
  • My mind is always clear and focused 
  • I always do what I say I’m going to do
  • I think clearly
  • I always know what to say
  • My mind is clear and focused
  • Everything is easy for me
  • I am in control of my mind
  • Everything is coming together so well
  • I can always be relied on
  • I think clearly in any situation
  • I always think positively
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I work harder than anyone else and that’s why I’m confident
  • I am great at everything I do
  • I am naturally talented
  • I’m calm in any situation
  • I instinctively know what to do
  • My mind is calm and in control
  • I always do what I set out to do
  • I can overcome any obstacle
  • I know exactly what to do to achieve success
  • People can rely on me to do things right
  • I am naturally confident in any situation
  • I have total confidence in myself
  • I always achieve my goals
  • I always stay positive
  • I am unstoppable 
  • I can overcome any challenge
  • I work hard
  • I am doing what I said I’d do
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I have total an absolute belief in myself
  • I am a skilled and knowledgeable person
  • I work hard and deserve to be paid well
  • I am good at what I do
  • I can overcome any obstacle
  • I have total confidence in myself
  • I can contribute to any discussion
  • What I say matters
  • I have great ideas
  • I am a valuable person
  • I am constantly learning new skills and knowledge
  • People find what I say useful
  • I have absolute confidence in myself

The key to using these affirmations for ultra-confidence

Reading these affirmations will help boost your confidence temporarily, but for lasting results, you need these statements to penetrate your subconscious mind day after day until they’re second nature. Until they’re the first, instinctual thoughts you have when you face any situation.

So, how do you do that?


First of all you need to get your mind and body into a completely calm state. A state in which you’re muscles are completely relaxed and your mind is calm, clear and receptive to new thoughts.

Then you need to listen to the affirmations and repeat them to yourself (in your mind), while in the receptive state.

This exercise needs to be repeated every day.

As time goes by, your mind will begin to associate those thoughts with relevant situations and you’ll find yourself answering problems with statements like, “I know what to do” and “I always win because I work harder than everyone else”.

To make these statements a reality you have to live them. You have to be that person for which these statements are true.

So, let’s get started.

Download Ultra Confidence

SleepOptimized Perfect Positive Calm: 8 Hour Relaxing Sleep Audio

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  • Over 8 hours of scientifically designed audio
  • Ultra calming guided sleep meditation included
  • Male voice, female voice or no voice downloads included
  • Scientifically designed to train your mind to be ultra-confident
  • Adopt the mindset of a truly confident person
  • Become a confident person by living by those words
  • Instant download
  • Access the download at any time again in the future

This audio also comes with the following affirmations:

Affirmations for total self-belief

  • I believe in myself
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I have total an absolute belief in myself
  • I am a skilled and knowledgeable person
  • I work hard and deserve to be paid well
  • I am good at what I do
  • I can overcome any obstacle
  • I have total confidence in myself
  • I can contribute to any discussion
  • What I say matters
  • I have great ideas
  • I am a valuable person
  • I am constantly learning new skills and knowledge
  • I write down everything I learn so I can re-use it
  • People find what I say useful
  • I have absolute confidence in myself
  • I can figure out any problem
  • I am making a difference
  • I read and learn new things every day
  • People want to hear my ideas
  • I am a good person
  • I am trustworthy
  • People can rely on me
  • I always get things done
  • I work hard
  • I enjoy helping people
  • I am a helpful person
  • People like me
  • I treat people with total respect
  • I am a kind person
  • I am making the world a better place
  • I like the person that I am

Affirmations for a winning mindset

  • I always win
  • I’m a winner
  • I win because I work hard
  • I win because I’m calm and focused and in control
  • I win because a try harder than anyone else
  • I win because I work harder than everyone else
  • I win because I see the things other people don’t see
  • I am the best
  • I am the greatest
  • I am the number 1
  • I am the best of the best
  • I am the champion of champions
  • I am unbeatable
  • I think clearly
  • I always know what to do
  • I am calm under pressure

Energizing affirmations (to help you wake up naturally feeling energized in the morning)

What is SleepOptimized?

SleepOptimized is an 8-hour audio. Play it before you go to bed. It starts by peacefully calming you, lowering your heart rate, slowing your breathing and clearing your mind of thoughts, eliminating anxieties and bringing your stress hormones down, creating the perfect environment for sleep.

You can either leave it playing in the background or, actively listen to the voiced version, which contains calming, softly spoken affirmations in male or female voices.

The calming guiding meditation will get your mind into the perfect receptive state to receive positive affirmations designed to train your mind to be clear, calm and focused. Listen to them and repeat them to yourself in your head or just let them absorb into your subconscious.

Through the night it very quietly plays peaceful sounds of nature, designed to make you sleep deeply and peacefully, optimizing your sleep cycles — just like we’re naturally supposed to be.

In the morning, it gradually gets louder until it’s time for you to get up. All you have to do is choose what time you want to get up and SleepOptimized will very gradually wake you up feeling amazing. It’s a revolutionary new way to wake up feeling great every day so you make the most of life.

Download details

Each download comes with three audios:

  • No voice
  • Male voice
  • Female voice

The voiced audios comprise of this structure:

  1. Guided meditation to relax your body and mind and make you fall into a wonderful deep sleep Sleep optimization affirmations
  2. Your chosen affirmations repeated very quietly, softly and calmly
  3. Deep sleep: Your chosen affirmations spoken silently in a non-audible frequency
  4. Gradual wake-up: Wonderful bird songs and sounds of nature gradually increase in volume until it’s time to wake up + positive, happy, energizing affirmations quietly spoken on the voiced audios to energize you over the happiness frequency audio

Simply choose what time you want to wake-up (for example 6am) and play SleepOptimized 8 hours prior to that (for example 10pm). This will ensure you get the optimal 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. The first hour is for you to wind down and clear your mind. This is the healthiest way to end your day. Do whatever you want during this time!

Wake up the healthy way

Did you know that most heart attacks occur when the person’s alarm clock goes off in the morning? Using an alarm clock is a terrible idea. It’s very bad for you. Instead we should all be gradually woken by the sounds of nature. This is exactly how we’re naturally supposed to wake. It’s much much healthier than a sudden alarm shocking you awake every morning!

Imagine waking up energized every morning, like a kid on Christmas day. This is the main point of SleepOptimized. The audio very gradually energizes you over a period of an hour using the ‘happiness frequency’: a special frequency of sound that makes you feel happy so you actually want to get up!

Get up feeling happy and energized and make the most of every day.

Download SleepOptimized

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